Brain Games

2/13/20 & 2/27/20- I let the kids play a few games I brought from home; Yahtzee, Clue and  battleship. On the 27th we played as a big group Telestrations. This really gets our creative juices flowing.

2/6/20- Today we played our dice wars. They partnered up and we did addition wars and multiplication wars. So much good math practicing going on!!

1/16, 1/23, 1/30- This month we've had lots of fun learning. We did some partner games where we worked on memorization, next week we played the game cranium that has 4 topics (acting, spelling, trivia, and drawing) so using lots of parts of our brain there, and the final week we played BINGO their favorite!!

12/12/19- Today we enjoyed or little party together and played my most requested game by this class BINGO! Always, a fun day learning and growing with this group.
I hope you all have a great winter break! I look forward to seeing all your kiddos in the New Year!

12/5/19- I pulled out ALL my games today and let the kids play whatever they wanted! They were able to switch around to new games when they wanted. It was a fun filled day.

11/21/19- I brought in a game called Telestrations today. You play this as a group, one person writes a word then draws what it is. The next person guesses what it is, then the next draws what they wrote so on and so forth until we get a around the circle. Just like the game Telephone but with drawing and writing. It is a fun way to get our brains thinking in a creative way.

11/14/19- Today we played a mix of board games. We were split into 2 groups of 4 so each group played a game together. I had out 5 different math games and one sentence one. They could pick which one they wanted. Then they played and after a bit they were able to switch to a new board game if they wanted. We even switch up some of the players too. It was a fun educational day!

11/7/19- Today we played a warm up game called 15 sticks. Ask your kids to show you how to play! It's a fun ice breaker. Then we played You've Been Sentenced. The kids have a small amount of time to build a sentence. Each word is worth different points. At the end of the timer they read it to their group if their group "approves" the sentence they get the points. We had fun listening to all the silly sentences!

10/31/19- Brain teasers using crayons.... things like this:


10/24/19- Bingo money today! That took LOTS of brain power!! I'd say an amount and they had to find the correctly pictured coins. Lots of great math skills in that today.

10/17/19- Today we played Brain Quest. We made teams and had lots of fun answering trivia questions. The questions were a good range of fun facts, science, english, and math.

10/10/19- We played a game called make 10 today. You are with a partner then each person gets a deck of cards. You take out all the 10's, J's, Q's, K's. Then you make a pyramid face up with the cards, 6 rows worth. Then when both partners are ready you GO! You have to make the sum of 10 by adding 2 cards that are free together. The person with the fewest cards left wins that round.

10/3/19- Dice wars today! We got a partner and each person had 2 dice. You roll at the same time, add your up the person with the largest sum circles they total on a piece of paper. At the end the person with the most circles won a candy. We did addition, subtraction, and multiplication. Changing partners each time to mix it up too.

9/26/19- Brain games today was math facts in the form of Addition Bingo! The kids were mildly excited to play the first round then when I pulled out my candy jar for the prize if you got a BINGO the excitement went through the roof!! We played addition bingo the entire class. My rule was if you had to use your fingers they had to be under the table where I can't see them and they couldn't either. This helps them use their brains instead of just looking at their fingers for the answers. They had loads of fun and didn't even realize how much math they ended up doing! We must of played 20 rounds of it! I love sneaking in math skills whenever possible. :)

9/19/19- We worked as a group today to play our games. We sat in a circle and played a game called Taking a Trip. I started by saying where I was going and what I was bringing, the next child has to say everything I said plus one more thing he/she wants to bring. So on and so forth around the circle. Remembering everything that everyone brought! It really tests your brain power. We also played it with colors. Then the kids wanted to play telephone....that's a challenge! In the end we all had a lot of fun and used our brains in some fun ways!

9/12/19- Today was started out by trying to work in groups to solve a picture puzzle. It is a lot like a rubix cube but in picture tile form. This was a challenge for both groups. We ended up moving on to another game before anyone could solve the puzzle. They all wanted the answer, but I said we will pull the puzzle back out to see if someone can solve it another week. I'm not letting them get off that easy :)
Our next game was a whole sheet of riddle type puzzles so to speak.
Here's an example:


answer: history repeats itself.

Some of the kids took home their papers and the answers so they could test family members...good luck!! Some are really hard!

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