Grammar Foundations 3/4
2/11/20 & 2/25/20-We continued our study of conjunctions and played a few games each week that helped us practice the correct conjunction to use in a sentence. We are becoming masters at our FANBOYS conjunctions; FOR, AND, NOR, BUT, OR, YET, SO
2/4/20- Today we learned about Conjunctions and made a fun Fan that can help us remember the most common ones. The kids even had fun memorizing them! We did a quick worksheet using our conjunction skills and then played a game Cooking up a Sentence. Where we had to use all different parts of speech to make our "recipe" (Sentence). Lots of good review happened while playing that game.
1/28/20- Today we continued our study of Adverbs. We did 2 worksheets that helped us identify the adverb and what it was actually modifying.
1/14/20 & 1/21/20- We have been working hard learning what Adverbs are and how we find them in a sentence. We also worked to find the difference between and Adverb and Adjective then we did some comparison worksheets. Once we determined which was which each child got to make their own sentences and share them with the class. While identifying what they use (adverb/adjective) and what it was modifying (verb/noun).
12/10/19- Today we played some grammar games and also did a noun hunt. They were to write a different noun for every letter of the alphabet. It was a fun productive day!
Have a wonderful winter break and I'll see you all in January!!
12/3/19- We did a little sorting today Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives. They sorted the cards and wrote the words in the correct column. Afterwards we talked about contraction words and played 2 games using them. One they drew word IT IS and they had to say the correct contraction IT'S. If they got it correct they could keep it, person with the most at the end won. There were also rotten sticks that made you lose a turn.
Then we played memory using contractions the match was the correct version of it. So if you turned over CANNOT you had to match it with CAN'T.
11/19/19- We have started learning about VERBS. We read a poem with lots of verbs in it, we read a book to tell us all about verbs. Then we did a worksheet to double underline the verb in each sentence. Afterwards we played a verb board game. There are all kinds of pictures on the game board and whichever picture it lands on you have to make a sentence with a present tense verb, then on the way back on the board you make a sentence using a past tense verb. This was lots of fun to get our verb practice in.
11/12/19- We are wrapping up adjectives, today we made a menu where we had to add in as many adjectives as possible to describe the foods we were trying to sell. The kids had lots of fun with this! This would make a great sample for your charter school if you need one ;)
11/5/19- Today we continued on about adjectives. We learned that adjectives are like magnets to nouns and pronouns. We did a fun cut and glue worksheet sticking adjectives and nouns together. We also did a page where it described and item : The YELLOW fruit. and we could draw any item that fit that category. The last thing was filling a mad lib that only needed adjectives. There was lots of adjective practice today.
10/29/19- We started learning about adjectives today. We read a funny little comic about Beowulf at the zoo. There were lots of adjectives being used to describe all the animals. Then we did a worksheet and glued on some objects that we could describe: rough foil, smooth fabric, fragrant flowers, soft fuzzy ball. After that we did one more worksheet where we had to describe different objects by telling what kind, which one, how many, whose, and then write a sentence using the noun and an adjective.
Finally we wrapped up class by playing swat the word on the board. All the words were adjectives. Lots of ways to practice what an adjective was today.
10/22/19- Today we played called spelling battleship. We reviewed our nouns and pronouns and then used them in our battleship game with our partners. This is a great way to review but to also work on some chart skills as well.
10/15/19- We continued on pronouns today. We reviewed what we knew and then did 2 worksheets. One was covering nouns with pronouns and the other was writing nouns under our pronoun pepperoni pieces on our pizza. Then the kids got to color their pizzas too. We even had time for a quick madlib together.
10/8/19- Pronouns today. We read our book about pronouns, discussed as a group a little more in depth so we could fully understand what a pronoun is. Did a little worksheet, first individually then went over it as a group so they could change or fill in any answers they missed. After that we played parts of speech bingo. I read a word, they had to decide if it was a noun, Proper Noun, verb or adjective. I know we haven't fully learned about each of these but the kids did great figuring them all out. This was a great way to get a little knowledge on verbs and adjectives as well.
10/1/19- Plural nouns was our topic this week. We read a book, did a fun coloring page (some figured out the pattern which made it easy for them). Then I wrote different plural nouns on the board some were spelled correctly some were not. They got to go up with a buddy, with a swatter in hand. I'd call out a word and the first to swat the correctly spelled word got a point. Best out of 3 won. Then we swapped to a new friend, so on and so forth.
After that we started playing a word building game. Roll the letter dice and see what word you can make. You get to move your pawn the number of letters you used in your correctly spelled word.
9/24/19- We continued our discussion on nouns and talked about the difference between a common noun and a proper noun. We did a worksheet comparing the two, and also filled in our family trees with lots of proper nouns! After their hard work we got to do some funny mad libs....such a fun way to remember what all the different parts of speech actually are.
9/17/19- Today we discussed NOUNS. We read a book that helped us discover that there are nouns everywhere around us! We then took turns finding some nouns in our classroom. After that we did 2 worksheets to help us fully grasp what category each noun goes in; Person, Place, Thing, or Idea. We had some great helpers in class today, I love when kids help each other!! Such a great skill to practice when we are working as a group! 💗
9/10/19- It was a great first day at LOL! We had fun getting to know each other in Grammar class. We played a game to loosen up. Then we read a story about Beowulf the dog. We then made a little replica of him and his box that we talked about. He was IN THE BOX then OUT OF THE BOX. A little prepositions to start us off on our grammar journey. We then talked about the 8 parts of speech and did some mad libs as a group to get them thinking about the different parts of speech.
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