2/6/20- We have been busy wrapping up all our last few maps. We are getting close to starting on our big map project. About 2 more weeks and we will be ready to start. Today we mapped South America.
1/16, 1/23, 1/30- This month we have been working on North America. Parts of Canada, parts of the US and Greenland too.
12/12/19- Today we worked on The greater Antilles and the Lesser Antilles and then the Bahamas. After that we combined that along with Central America and the Caribbean. It was a very productive tropical day :)
I hope you all have a great winter break! I look forward to the New Year with your kiddos!
12/5/19- Today we were able to get a lot done! We mapped Newfoundland, Alaska, and the Kamchatka peninsula and the Sea of Okhotsk.
11/21/19- We wrapped up our Southeast Asia territory today. We mapped India, Taiwan, N. and S. Korea, Malay Peninsula, Indonesia, Spice Islands, The Philippines and Japan! We were busy busy!!
11/14/19- Today we started making our way through Asia. It is a complicated map and it rolls into a few different instruction days. We should be done with Asia next week.
11/7/19- Today we mapped Mesopotamia, and the Arabian Peninsula. We are really getting into a groove in class and have been able to stay caught up, which is great!
10/31/19- Today everyone worked really hard and we got all caught up! There are lots of little maps and I really didn't want to get behind. Today we mapped:
* Ireland
* Icelan
*The Black Sea
* Caspian Sea
* Aral Sea (which we learned is shrinking all the time)
* India
10/24/19- Today we drew Scandinavia which refers to the area occupied by Noway, Sweden, Finland, and Denmark. Then we also drew the Netherlands and Belgium but in order to do that we had to start our map by putting on France and Norway, Sweden and Denmark so we could connect the coastline and add in Belgium and Netherlands. So that was fun to pull from previous maps we had learned and are adding on to them. We also added the United Kingdom to fully complete that map.
10/17/19- We finished combining France and Spain and Portugal today. Then we drew Britain/United Kingdom. This was by far the most intricate map so far. We had to really focus to get this one just right. We also discussed perpendicular lines and what kind of angles that produces.
10/10/19- Today we finished our Spain and Portugal map today. Then we practiced drawing France. Then we started drawing both of those projects on one paper. The class is doing so great at following directions. It has been fun to highlight on the world map what they have already drawn.
They have also continued working on using a compass and ruler and protractor to draw measured circle, angled boxes, distances, etc etc....such great math skills we are sneaking in there!
10/3/19- The Roman boot was our project today after we finished Greece. We have been working so hard in class the focus these kids have is great! We are able to find all our spots on the big world map too. We even started another map after the Roman boot but we will finish that next week. Reminder if your child is reading their book at home then can bring in a project of any kind when complete. This project could be used as a sample for your charter school. It can be an essay, poster, power point etc. They will share it with the class when complete. It can include parts they liked from the book along with info on the country where the book took place.
9/26/19- Today we finished Africa!! Yay! They worked so hard on that! We also started Greece. These are some really tricky maps and I promised them we will work on an easier one next week. :)
Reminder for them to read their chapter books at home. Once they finish their books they should come to class with a re-cap of the book and info to share on the Country that it took place in. We are using all our time in class to map, so if you want them to get more from this experience they will need to some that at home.
Here are a few pics of the maps, but they all turned out great! I just wanted you to see what the maps look like.
9/19/19- We worked on drawing Africa today. When we started it was pretty hard to see how it was going to come together. But by the end we had many rivers; Congo, Nile, Niger. The 2 main deserts; Sahara, and Kalahari. Some main cities; Cairo, Alexandria, Tangier, Capetown, and Timbuktu. We have just a bit to finish on this map next week, as we needed a little time to practice using a compass to make circles.
** Reminder if your child has a compass or protractor they should bring it each week.**
Everyone did great focusing on this tough map, and their efforts paid off! The maps are beautiful!!
9/12/19- Wow what a great group of girls I have in this class! I told them that since I have all boys I am just in heaven having an all girls class!! We discussed the year, and how each day would flow. Then I asked each of them to pick a chapter book to read on their own and when they have finished it then should come to class with some sort of presentation. Slideshow, diorama, poster, essay etc etc.
After some house keeping we moved onto our first drawing the Nile River. They all did so great! I will be holding onto each map we make as it will help us at the end of the year to draw the entire map of the World. If you need some of the maps along the way as a sample they are welcome to take some home. Or they can take a picture of one, whatever your charter school needs I am happy to work with.
Here is the book list, each book is either at the library or they own it already or I lent it to them (Michelle, Single Shard)
Hi Ashlie! Your class sounds awesome! Can you give me the author's name for the book listed for Ramie? It's not coming up in my library search. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteSorry I am just seeing this comment... I love having Ramie in class! The book is Mapping the world with Art by Elen Johnston McHenry