Hands on Art

2/13/20 & 2/27/20- Valentine fun on the 13th. All things hearts! On the 27th we worked so hard on our self portraits. This is a tricky concept, but I am so proud of the kids for trying their best! I love having self portraits of my kiddos...such a treasure!

2/6/20- Today we made a Spring Time painting. They painted the background green and blue then used a fork to make the grass. After that they were able to add any spring time items they wanted; rainbows, flowers, animals, etc etc. I can't wait for Spring!! :)

1/16, 1/23, 1/30- This month we've had fun making abstract watercolor paintings, origami and felt sewing creations!

12/5/19 and 12/12/19- We worked on our canvas art for 2 weeks. I am not going to spoil the fun since most of them are gifts :) But the kids had lots of fun working on these. Enjoy!!

I hope you all have a wonderful winter break and we'll see you in January!

11/21/19- We made Thanksgiving paper weaved place mats. We also got to do some leaf coloring. I love fall it's such a fun time of year. I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving break!! I am so thankful to get to spend each week with your children. :)

11/14/19- Today we painted our clay creations and then we made cute Turkey drawings.

11/7/19- CLAY today! We got to mold and sculpt whatever we wanted with clay. I took the items home to bake them so we can paint them next week.

10/31/19- Today was some fun Halloween art, we made bat pictures using paint and q-tips and stencils they cut out then we made watercolor spider webs.

10/24/19- Art today was raised salt art. This was fun to see the kids make. You take liquid glue and draw your design then you cover it with salt. After that you use water colors and dab the salt and the paint spreads through the salt to make a beautiful creation!

10/17/19- Today we had fun sculpting with candy! I brought in starburst and tootsie rolls for the kids to mold with. They quickly learned that you have to use your body heat (the heat from your hands) to warm it up enough to be able to do anything with it. This is a fun way to do art.

10/10/19- Today we did scribble art. I let the kids doodle on a piece of paper for a bit. Then revealed that they were to color in each section. Afterwards it is fun to see if there was a hidden picture that gets revealed. We also discussed how this is a very therapeutic art technique they can do this anytime, anywhere. It is so calming to color these in.

10/3/19- LOVE IN ALL SEASONS. I love Fall when the weather changes and the leaves change on the trees. We discussed all the different seasons and which was everyone's favorites. Then we did a guided project for the trees in each season. Some was painted with a brush, some with our fingers which makes everything more fun (and messy)!

9/26/19- We wrapped up last weeks project for those that didn't finish. Then we painted rocks! I brought a bunch from home and let the kids pick whatever they wanted to paint on them. I showed them a few examples of painted rocks and then set them free. It was a nice peaceful art day. At the end we had a bit of time to look at some of my insect books. Not an art thing, but we enjoyed discussing as a group some of the different bugs and what we already knew about them and some fun new facts as well.

9/19/19- Today we wrapped up our attribute pictures (two friends will finish theirs next week). I love how these pictures turned out and so did the kids! Now it's your turn as the family to finish it up. The kids wrote on the inside of their outline what they see in themselves. Different attributes, things they like to do, favorite foods etc etc. Around the outside you as the family will write things you see in them. I like to keep it to just adjectives that describe them as a person.... silly, helpful, kind, brave, generous, musical, adventurous, beautiful, strong, etc etc etc. We do these in our family and everyone gets to write things on everyone's pictures. I love to see what siblings can come up with about each other. Afterwards, make sure you finish the writing in black fine tip sharpie. Enjoy!

9/12/19- Today we started a 2 week project. It is one that I do every year and the parents just love. The kids weren't quite so sure as we started but by mid project they were all into it! I don't want to give to much away so you'll be a little surprised by it next week. But, we did a lot of writing on our project today and next week comes the painting. This is something I have done with my own kids every year for 7 years and I love hanging it up in my house! 💗

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