Zoology 1/2

2/12/20 & 2/26/20- We had a special visitor in Zoology on the 12th...Guinea Pigs! Thanks Isaac for bring them for us to play with! What a fun way to learn together. On the 26th we started our study of birds; Penguins. The children got the opportunity to read out loud to the class facts about different types of penguins. (such a great skill to do in front of their peers) Then we painted our rocks to look like penguins and made a little worksheet all about the penguin of our choice. We had a fun busy day learning.

2/5/20- We had fun wrapping up a sea creatures month by learning about the Ocean Zones. We then made a project where the kids got to draw the creatures that live in the dark parts of the ocean. We also made a little science project together where we combined different liquids to show the ocean zones in a jar. This was a fun busy day!

1/15, 1/22, 1/29- Creatures of the sea this month; Fish, and we made rainbow fish. Sharks and we made a fun newspaper shark project and finally Jellyfish where we made paper plates and streamers. So much water animal fun!

12/4/19 & 12/11/19- Amphibians! We learned about all kinds of amphibians. Mostly Frogs and Salamanders. We did a frog life cycle and a fun salamander craft.  The kids have had lots of fun learning new things about these animals and even being able to tell the class things they already knew! Also, some of our discussions have led us to compare different types of animals. Mammals vs amphibians. I love watching their little brains work through everything.

11/20/19- We continued learning about reptiles today. We read and discussed in depth the differences between crocodiles and alligators. We then made a challenging project; a crocodile cut out of a paper towel tube. Then we painted them green since we learned Crocodiles are green and alligators are grey. We also made sure to cut the top and bottom set of teeth because when a crocodile has it's mouth shut you can see both sets, whereas with the alligator only the top are visible. We also tried remembering that the crocodile is larger about 20 feet and the alligator is only 12 ft.

11/13/19- Today we painted our snake clay pots, they turned out great. We then learned all about Turtles. We did a drawing/painting of a sea turtle. And even had a few minutes to watch a short video on Reptiles. We were having so much fun learning that I forgot to take a picture of their cute creations. I hope they are showing you at home.

11/5/19- We have moved from mammals to reptiles. The first reptile we are learning about is SNAKES. There were lots of interesting books from the library to investigate. Then we got to molding a snake bowl from clay. We will paint them the following week after I take them home to bake in the oven.

10/30/19- We got to learn about a spooky mammal today...Bats! We read the book Stellaluna which is about a fruit bat that gets lost and a bird family takes her in. There are lots of comparisons between birds and bats throughout the book. Then in the end she is re-united with her bat family! We learned that some fruit bats can have a wind span of up to 6 feet!! Wow! We also learned that bats are nocturnal as well. We learned about a few different types of bats but then decided if we were a bat we would definitely want to be a fruit bat so we could eat mangoes instead of bugs. :)
We studied from one of the other library books what real bats look like and investigated their wings which is really their fingers with skin webbed in between each finger bone. They are a very interesting animal.
We then made a little bat picture and even had time to make paper spider webs (for a Halloween decoration)

10/23/19- Today in zoology we studied rodents. We read a book about Flying Squirrels and we learned that they are a very interesting animal and that they actually glide not fly. We also discussed that they are nocturnal and what that means and that they are awake at night and sleep during the day and that they are omnivores (like humans) and what that meant. We then learned a little about Hedgehogs and how they protect themselves from predators.
Then we made 2 crafts one with painting our feet, we made 2 little squirrels and then the other we painted rocks to look like hedgehogs. It was a fun filled day and I didn't even get a picture of their cute creations! So I hope you all got to see them when they brought them home.

10/16/19- We are continuing to learn about mammals. Today we studied monkeys. We read all about different types of monkeys and read a special book on gorillas too. We then made Monkey puppets. This took lots of cutting and pasting and following directions....all the kids did great!

10/9/19- WHALES! We learned so much about whales today. We even learned about their cute babies. I love all the animal babies. We learned how and why whales migrate each year. We learned how fast they can swim, we learned about their teeth or baleen plates and what they eat. We had lots and lots of books to explore all we wanted to know about whales. Also today was a treat because the kiddos wanted to read to each other the fun facts they were finding. So we even did some popcorn reading time in our book. Then we made a whale project that we painted, while we waited for it to dry we drew a Humpback whale. So we had a fun time exploring in different ways today.

10/2/19- We started our study of Mammals. Today we discussed Tigers and Leopards. We talked about what they have in common and some things that are different. We learned about their habitat, their adorable babies, and what they like to eat. We made a craft for each of the animals.

9/25/19- Bugs, bugs everywhere! We spent one more week learning about all different types of insects. A special request from Elin was the Water Skeeter bug. We discussed all the different parts to an insect. Learned that insects don't have bones, but do have an exoskeleton. Also that most have wings, but some do not. We learned what different insects eat and where they live. Then we got to create our own bug! The kids had lots of fun with that.

9/18/19- BUTTERFLIES! We learned all about butterflies today. I brought in lots and lots of books on butterflies for the kids to look through. We saw many caterpillars and butterflies that we thought were fascinating. I then read a book to the kids so we could discover even more about them.
Afterwards, we made a butterfly project, that shows the life cycle of a butterfly. * This would be a great sample for your charter schools* We also had time to make a paint smear butterfly that will be hung in my classroom for a few weeks. There were way to wet to send home anyways! :)

9/11/19- What an amazing group I have in Zoology! They are just the cutest, sweetest kiddos!! Today we started with some pictionary fun on the giant whiteboard. They could draw any animal they can think of and we had to guess what it was. We had some very creative animals and very detailed pictures! I was very impressed! After that we discussed the different classifications and did a little cut/match worksheet. We also made a big list of animals the kids wanted to discuss this year. It will be such a fun year of learning!

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